Sixth Sense
Accounting of small and midsize businesses, Economic balance sheets, Tax return of small and midsize businesses
Our Services
Accounting of small and midsize businesses
preparation of all documents and their posting
VAT tax return and other tax return
annual balance sheet, annual closing
cost centres accounting
comparison of budgets with reality
Economic balance sheets
accounting supervision
cash flow
business plans
balance sheet and profit & loss accounts
statistical reports
Tax return of small and midsize businesses
VAT return
income tax statement
road tax return
property tax return
cooperation with tax advisers
tax optimization
Jitka Tříšková, director
Phone: +420 774446623
Headquarters & invoice details
Sixth Sense s.r.o.
Zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku u Městského soudu v Praze odd. C 1002097
Na Balkáně 2120/134, 130 00 Praha 3
IČ: 27176266, DIČ: CZ27176266
Bank Account: 2102316718/2700 (UnicreditBank)